Education: Children & Adults
What images come to mind when you hear the words Christian education? Are your first thoughts of children in classrooms studying the Bible? For many of us the Sunday school is the primary place that we think of when we consider what it means to provide Christian education. Here at Simpson, education doesn't stop with our children, it lives and grows in our adults too, with weekly Bible Studies.
Safe Sanctuary Policy
"Reducing the Risk of Abuse in Ministry with Children, Youth or Vulnerable Adults"
The Greater NJ Conference Safe Sanctuaries Policy, was approved in June 2005.
God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting children and other vulnerable persons from abuse. GNJ Annual Conference resolved that every church have a Safe Sanctuaries policy and be compliant with its regulations.

Children's Sunday School
Meets at 10:00 am Sunday Mornings
Church Sunday School has been an integral part of the Church ministry as we hope to continue to bring up our young steeped in the love of God. Our primary objectives are:
to teach them the good news of God's love as shown through Jesus Christ
to share with them how Bible truths make a difference in their lives
to lead them to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
to encourage them to build friendship within the church family
to help them grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and people
Our lesson planning and program development focuses on three keys areas:
Learning to talk to God through prayer
Understanding and reading Scripture
And developing an increasing sense of faith in action through projects that build a sense of community and service to others.
Most important we hope to encourage the children and families to continue sharing prayer and scripture together and to become more aware of the presence of God in all our activities.

Adult Offerings
God has a lot to say, even in today’s world for today’s people!
Come and be a part of an adult Bible study group. It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or a Bible student, there is always something new God might be trying to tell you at this particular stage of your Christian journey.​
Wednesday evening Bible Study
Call for info please
Men's Sunday Morning Bible Class