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Music Ministries



Music Ministries 

Lovely voices, heavenly music, laughing personalities, wonderful fellowship, all singing, praising, prayerfully worshiping Our Lord! Whether it be through adult voices, or the ringing of the hand bells, what a beautiful sound we have coming out of Simpson United Methodist Church here in Old Bridge!


If you would like to participate in the choir, contact the music director, or any choir member.


Adult Chancel Choir

Meets for practice every Thursday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.
On Sunday mornings, the choir meets at 10:30 am for 20 minutes. There are no choir responsibilities during the summer months. Some of our members participate in the Ocean Grove Choir activities during this time.


Hand Bell Choir

Our hand bell choir is comprised of members of various ages. If you can count, you can ring a bell! The choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM till 7:30 PM.



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